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March 2025 - Lunch and Learn
Willis Towers Watson
1144 W. Washington St., Fl.1
Tempe, AZ 85281
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MST
Category: Events

Note:  At this time of the year, (MST-Mountain Standard Time) is equal to Pacific Daylight Savings 

Join us for an educational opportunity with ADOSH Director, Brian Hudson and ICA Chair, Dennis Kavanaugh
Topics:  New ADOSH Rules Coming Out and the Formal Rule making for WC procedures at the ICA


Dennis Kavanaugh - 

Dennis Kavanaugh, a Mesa resident, is a retired attorney who has been a member of the State Bar of Arizona since 1978 following his graduation from the ASU College of Law.  His undergraduate degree is from St. Louis University. He was a shareholder in the law firm of Dennis Kavanaugh PC from 1990 to his retirement in 2021. Prior to his move to private practice, Mr. Kavanaugh served as Chief Counsel of the Industrial Commission of Arizona as well as serving as a staff attorney for the Arizona Legislative Council.  Mr. Kavanaugh was a certified specialist in worker compensation law from 1987 to 2020 and represented clients before the Industrial Commission, the Arizona Court of Appeals and the Arizona Supreme Court.

Mr. Kavanaugh has also had a distinguished career in public service at the local, regional, state and national levels, including four terms on the Mesa City Council, chair of Valley Metro, chair of the Arizona Commission on the Arts and as a member of the National League of Cities Board of Directors. 

Mr. Kavanaugh has long been engaged in volunteer service as a board member of many nonprofit organizations.  He is currently the president of the Arizona Museum of Natural History Foundation and serves as vice-president of Visit Mesa.  He was named Mesa’s Man of the Year in 2015.

11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Willis Towers Watson

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 Registration closes 1/17/25